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Help Promote Niggermania With These Downloadable Flyers and Cards

Ever want to spread the word about Niggermania? Want to help educate the public about the true nature of niggers? Sick and tired of the mass media coddling and hiding the truth about niggers?

Now is your chance to help !

Download and print these cards and flyers and pass them out as you see fit. Help spread the word about the truth and reality of niggers and how they are destroying our civilization.

Would you like to contribute to this page and make your own flyers, cards, or signs? Email them to:

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(note: I'll be expanding this section of the site to include different pages of flyers, cards, postcards, etc. I welcome submissions)

Here's some simple, black & white cards you can print on business card stock or just plain paper and cut them yourselves. Right click on the picture below to save to your computer or download a Microsoft Word document file to print by clicking here.

Niggermania Black and White Cards

Here are more cards, this time in color. I only have these as a Microsoft Word document for now. Click HERE to download.

Thanks to GROIDSSUCK from the Niggermania Forum, here's some flyers you can print and pass out. Click HERE to download:

niggermania flyers


Niggermania Tear off Flyers

thanks to Groidssuck


CLICK HERE to download and print



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