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Omar's Emails Are Bright White

My Emails Are Bright Lime

My Comments, Or The Conversations With Translators, Are In Yellow

We continue with Omar's big adventure!

Subject: This is to confirm the receipt of your mail.
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Sat, November 15, 2003 1:54 pm
To: Arnie Nogg

Dear Arnie,

This is to confirm the receipt of your mail/signed copies of the agreement.

Well, I will not fail to thank you for your concern/ success greeting. To be frank it is a profitable venture as my faith declares. Therefore may the same spirit of faith follow every member, so that the aim of the organizers of Australian/American Oilator will be achieved by God grace.



I don't think Omar has seen much of the world and it's about time he did some traveling don't you think? It's time to introduce Mr. Genitali Herpesi who is Australian-American's General Sales Manager for Europe.

Subject: Things coming together well & possible business meeting in Lagos?
From: "Katrina Peters"
Date: Tue, November 18, 2003 3:08 am
To: Omar
Cc: Genitali Herpesi

Good morning Omar,

I am writing to both you and Mr. Genitali Herpesi, who is Australian-American's Director-European Sales Operations based in Rome, Italy.

Twice a month Mr. Herpesi flies from Rome, Italy to Pretoria, South Africa in the effort to properly service Oilator customers and it was Mr. Nogg who mentioned that perhaps it would be best if you were placed under Mr. Herpesi's sales management team.

If I am not mistaken I believe you speak French as a native language? If so this would be excellent because Mr. Herpesi is fluent in Italian (of course he would be because he is Italian), French and some English but he feels much more comfortable speaking French.

Mr. Herpesi will be writing you probably in the morning to introduce himself.

When Mr. Nogg was speaking to Mr. Herpesi it was brought up that his twice monthly flight takes him right over Lagos, Nigeria and we were wondering if you could meet with him at the airport to establish a personal relationship as well as take possession of approximatley 200 kg of material as well as sign a couple of insurance liability documents the company must have before you are set forth for sales.

I am unsure of the exact day but I believe Mr. Herpesi can be in Lagos in aproximately one week from today his scheduled trip.

How hard is it for you to get to travel to Lagos?

Of course the company will reimburse you for all travel expenses which are as follows:

Dollar amounts are in US Dollars.

Travel Allowance US $0.30 per kilometer traveled. Looking at the map it appears your trip would be approximately 800 kilometers so travel expenses would be paid at a rate of US $240.00 for travel related expenses.

Added to this travel woudl be a per diem allowance US $145.00 per day of travel and we would estimate the travel to be three days for a total of US $435.00.

Total reimbursement for one round trip to Lagos would be US $675.00.

Bear in mind my maps are very limited so if you would tell me the travel distance, whatever that would be, I will authorize Mr. Herpesi to pay you your travel voucher in cash immediately upon meeting in Lagos.

I am sure you understand that our insurance carrier is most adament that we must have in our possession a signed ACCORD Certificate of Insurance prior to adding you to payroll.

While meeting in Lagos Mr. Herpesi would also pay your initial payemnt in cash to avoid confusion at the bank. Why confusion at the bank? We went through a similar operation in South Africa a few months ago and I have to admit we are very wary of African state banks preferring cash for our operations.

Total cash paid (all amounts in US dollars) would be as follows:

Operating capital outlay: US $8,500.00
Reimbursement for warehouse facility useage: US $2,000.00
FIDO/FECAL emergency fund: US $3,750.00 FIDO/FECAL? FIDO is a dog and FECAL is shit so both together mean Dog Shit. What I am going to attempt to do is get Omar here to travel from Gabon to Lagos spending several hundred dollars in air fair that he doesn't have. The purpose of FIDO/FECAL was to simply inflate the amount of money Omar is getting because the original amount, only US $8,000.00 was to small so by inflating maybe Omar will see the advantage of a little international flying.
Travel expenses: US $675.00 (This amount subject to change. You are directed to confer with Mr. Herpesi telling him of your travel arrangements, times it will take and kilometers traveled round trip).

Omar, Mr. Herpesi is planning to be in Lagos a week from today (Monday) and will have with him a total of approximately US $14,925.00 in cash. We understand this is a lot of money in Africa, we are worried for your safety. and I must ask if ou feel you can safely travel back to Gabon with this much cash on your person?

Regarding the ACCORD certificate of insurance you will be required to sign this at the airport upon meeting after which Mr. Herpesi will deliver some basic goods and be on his way. My understanding is that he will only be at the airport a few short hours and it is imperative you meet with him during this time. I will fax you the ACCORD certificate (just a standard insurance certificate adding you as named insured on our policy) but it is really plain stuff.

Let me know when Genitali contacts you or, best yet, Genitali can you make sure you CC everything between you and Omar to me so we know what is going on here?

Take care.

Katrina Peters
Vice President Sales
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd

I had some great help on this one in the form of two translators who worked with me. Gabon, being Gabon, is French speaking so I needed a fluent French speaker who would play Mr. Genitali who speaks fluent Italian and French. My thinking here is the more people I bring into the action, the more characters there are, Omar would be more apt to believe this was the real deal. The following is email between me and my first translator. (I will give him full credit once I ask him and he gets back home). Obviously I am using Genitali's email address for this.

Subject: French Translator (Pay sucks but the work is fun)
From: Gunther
Date: Tue, November 18, 2003 4:07 pm
To: Tog

You are Genitali Herpesi

Your passport his here http://documentsxxxxxxxx/

Ok, am arranging a trip from Rome (where you live) to south africa going to try to be in Lagos Tuesday morning.

Write to Omar here in french to calm him down. Explain who you are, that you were out of the office and just received the email from Katrina.

Tell him about your trip, you will be laying over in Lagos, that you have been authorized to pay the lad but make sure you ask him the exact mileage so you can work on the travel voucher.

I will cut and paste it sending the email from Mr. Herpesi's company email account.

I want this sucker to travel 1,000 miles for nothing. Talking about a shitty day he'll have one next week.

Explain you will be busy the week in Germany so email will be sporadic. Welcome him aboard and how you have been hoping the company could get someone to represent in Africa blah, blah.

Here is the company site to give you a feel and background.

Subject: RE: French Translator (Pay sucks but the work is fun)
From: Tog
Date: Tue, November 18, 2003 4:25 pm
To: Gunther

Gunther, this is almost certainly not the way a genuine French business letter would be phrased. However, it is pretty fluently written and correctly spelled and punctuated. It would not disgrace an Italian businessman writing in what is not his native tongue.


Dear Omar

I am GH and I concern myself with sales in Australia and the US. I work in our Rome office.

I was not in my office, but I have receive Katrina's email

I have to be in South Africa on Tuesday. thus I could stop by Lagos on that morning. I have been authorised to reimburse you with your travelling costs, but I must have an exact (repeat exact) account, including the length of your journey in kilometres.

I will be in Germany next week - so you may have some difficulty in contacting me, especially by email.

I will be very happy to meet you and, let us hope, to welcome you as part of the Oilator team. We have had trouble finding a reliable representative in Africa!


Mon cher Omar,

Je m'appelle Gentiali Herpesi, et je m'occupe des ventes an Australie et aux Etats-Unis. Je travaille dans notre filiale a Rome.

Je n'etais pas a mon bureau, mais j'ai recu l'email de Katrina.

Il faut que je sois en Afrique du Sud le mardi. Alors, je pourrais passer par Lagos ce matin-la. On m'a autorise de vous rembourser vos frais de voyage, mais il faut me donner une accompte exacte (repete, exacte) y comptant le kilometrage de votre voyage.

Je serai en Allemagne la semaine prochaine - alors vous aurez peut-etre un peu de difficulte a me contacter, surtout par email.

Je serai tres heureux de faire votre connaissance et, esperons-le, de vous acceuillir comme partenaire de Oilator. Nous avons eu pas mal de problems a trouver un representant fiable en Afrique!


Excuse me as I confer with our tanslator so we get the story straight. Don't want to "spook" Omar now.

From: Gunther
Date: Tue, November 18, 2003 4:34 pm
To: Tog

Great but a couple minor corrections please.

You concern yourself with sales in Europe and South Africa wanting to give him the South African sales because you dont want to travel.

You want to be in South Africa a week from today with final itinerary made tomorrow.

This week you will be scarce in the office.

Subject: RE: French Translator (Pay sucks but the work is fun)
From: Tog
Date: Tue, November 18, 2003 4:41 pm
To: Gunther

Revised version, then. Oh, and I've added all the French accents. These *may* get stripped out by the email - it happens. That's why I left them out the first time.


Mon cher Omar,

Je m'appelle Gentiali Herpesi, et je m'occupe des ventes en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. Je travaille dans notre filiale a Rome.

Nous cherchons un representant pour nos produits en Afrique.

Je n'étais pas a mon bureau, mais j'ai reçu l'email de Katrina.

Il faut que je sois en Afrique du Sud le mardi, le 25 novembre. Mon itineraire definitive sera décidé demain. Alors, je pourrais passer par Lagos çe matin-la. On m'a autorisé de vous rembourser vos frais de voyage, mais il faut me donner une accompte exacte (répète, exacte) y comptant le kilometrage de votre voyage.

Je serai en Allemagne la semaine prochaine - alors vous aurez peut-être un peu de difficulté a me contacter, surtout par email. Cette semaine-çi je serai dans mon bureau que rarement.

Je serai tres heureux de faire votre connaissance et, ésperons-le, de vous acceuillir comme partenaire de Oilator. Nous avons eu pas mal de problems a trouver un representant fiable en Afrique!


Subject: Omar
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Tue, November 18, 2003 5:11 pm
To: Omar

Mon cher Omar,

Je m'appelle Gentiali Herpesi, et je m'occupe des ventes en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. Je travaille dans notre filiale a Rome.

Nous cherchons un representant pour nos produits en Afrique.

Je n'étais pas a mon bureau, mais j'ai reçu l'email de Katrina.

Il faut que je sois en Afrique du Sud le mardi, le 25 novembre. Mon itineraire definitive sera décidé demain. Alors, je pourrais passer par Lagos çe matin-la. On m'a autorisé de vous rembourser vos frais de voyage, mais il faut me donner une accompte exacte (répète, exacte) y comptant le kilometrage de votre voyage.

Je serai en Allemagne la semaine prochaine - alors vous aurez peut-être un peu de difficulté a me contacter, surtout par email. Cette semaine-çi je serai dans mon bureau que rarement.

Je serai tres heureux de faire votre connaissance et, ésperons-le, de vous acceuillir comme partenaire de Oilator. Nous avons eu pas mal de problems a trouver un representant fiable en Afrique!

Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Good stuff, huh? Oh, it gets better! Dumbass Omar emails Katrina Genitali's letter in French so I respond back.

Subject: Re: This is the message I received from Genitali
From: "Katrina Peters"
Date: Tue, November 18, 2003 8:14 pm
To: Omar

Hi Omar!

I am glad he got in contact with you dear but I must confess something... I don't understand a word of French!

If you forward something from Genitali could you be a sweetie and translate it for me?

I haven't heard from Genitali yet but am sure I will before we close out the day.

Genitali is going to set up the meeting we transferred US$16,000.00 to his sales account which should cover everything just make sure you stay in contact with him for the meeting because I know he is very excited to have someone handle the Africa sales for him.

I am sure you will make a great team!

Katrina Peters
Vice President Sales
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Omar writes Genitali and, as you could guess, he zero's in on the money. He likes it, he is hooked!

Subject: Mr Genitali
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Tue, November 18, 2003 11:04 pm
To: Genitali

Mon cher Genitali,

Merci pour votre mail de ce jour.

En réponse, veuillez noter que je m’appelle Omar N. Ogbonna. Et je suis heureux de faire partie de la société Australian-American Oilator Ltd comme représentant pour l’Afrique.

En effet, Katrina m’a fait part de votre voyage et de notre rencontre à Lagos.

En outre elle m’a aussi informé du remboursement de mes frais de voyage et du payement en espèces d’un montant total qui chiffre comme ci-dessous :

Operating Capital : US $ 8, 500.00

Warehouse facility : US $ 2000.00

FIDO/FECAL Emergecy : US $ 3, 750.00

Frais de voyage: US $: 310.00

Frais d’Hôtel: US $ 435.00

Encore, en lisant votre message, je constate que vous êtes prêt pour voyager. Malheureusement je viens d’apprendre la nouvelle, je vous demande de m’accorder quelque jours pour m’âpreté pour les formalités (précisément 4 jours).

En ce qui concerne votre départ d’Allemagne je vous demande votre contact téléphonique cellulaire, voici le mien / .

Je suis vivement très heureux de faire aussi votre connaissance. J’avoue pour toute la confiance que vous nous porter et nous en serons encore que plus honorer de vous servir.

Sincères salutations !

Omar N. Ogbonna

Sales Rep., Afrique

Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Tog and I bait the trap.

Subject: Omar wants to talk (Was: French Translator (Pay sucks but the work is fun)
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Wed, November 19, 2003 4:03 am
To: Gunther

I received this in from Omar he appears really happy to be our sales rep.

I will go to one of the web translators which do fine for figuring it out but need the human touch.

You plan to be in Lagos on Tuesday morning and he needs to be there.

Tell him you received authorization to give him the cash.... I think this guy is pushing the limit on the expense account so let's give him everything he deserves.

You are going to work closely with him... you are going to be best buddies and you will make him rich.

Oh gawd, I almost feel sorry for him (not).

Omar here wants to know about the money again.

Subject: Reponse urgent
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Wed, November 19, 2003 9:33 am
To: Genitali

Mon cher Genitali,

Merci pour votre mail de ce jour.

En réponse, veuillez noter que je m’appelle Omar N. Ogbonna. Et je suis heureux de faire partie de la société Australian-American Oilator Ltd comme représentant pour l’Afrique.

En effet, Katrina m’a fait part de votre voyage et de notre rencontre à Lagos.

En outre elle m’a aussi informé du remboursement de mes frais de voyage et du payement en espèces d’un montant total qui chiffre comme ci-dessous :

Operating Capital : US $ 8, 500.00

Warehouse facility : US $ 2000.00

FIDO/FECAL Emergecy : US $ 3, 750.00

Frais de voyage: US $: 310.00

Frais d’Hôtel: US $ 435.00

Encore, en lisant votre message, je constate que vous êtes prêt pour voyager. Malheureusement je viens d’apprendre la nouvelle, je vous demande de m’accorder quelque jours pour m’âpreté pour les formalités (précisément 4 jours).

En ce qui concerne votre départ d’Allemagne je vous demande votre contact téléphonique cellulaire, voici le mien / .

Je suis vivement très heureux de faire aussi votre connaissance. J’avoue pour toute la confiance que vous nous porter et nous en serons encore que plus honorer de vous servir.

Sincères salutations !

Omar N. Ogbonna

Sales Rep., Afrique

Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Subject: RE: Omar wants to talk (Was: French Translator (Pay sucks but the work is fun)
From: Tog
Date: Wed, November 19, 2003 9:40 am
To: Gunther

OK, he says:


In reply, please note that I am called Omar N Ogbonna. And I am happy to be the African representative for the Australo-American company Oilator.

In fact, Katrina told me of your trip and our meeting in Lagos.

She also told me that my costs would be reimbursed, in cash, for the sum detailed below

(snip obvious)

So, in reading your message, I note that you are ready to travel. Unfortunately I have only just been informed of this, and just ask you for a few days to sort things out (exactly four days).

Concerning your departure from Germany, please can I have your mobile number. Here is mine: (snip).

I am delighted to make your acquaintance. I acknowledge the trust placed in us and we will be happy to serve you./ENDS

Hooked good & proper. He will be in Lagos, depend on it.

OK, now you say:


Trés bien!

Alors, je serai à Lagos le matin du mardi le 25 novembre. Il faut que vous soyez là pour recevoir le paiement. Vos frais me semblent être raisonnable. J'aurai le remboursement avec moi, en éspèces.

Mon ami, je suis tres heureux. Vous allez être partenaire, et je vous assure que vous allez devenir riche./ENDS

Subject: Re: Reponse urgent
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Wed, November 19, 2003 12:50 pm
To: Omar

Trés bien!

Alors, je serai à Lagos le matin du mardi le 25 novembre. Il faut que vous soyez là pour recevoir le paiement. Vos frais me semblent être raisonnable. J'aurai le remboursement avec moi, en éspèces.

Mon ami, je suis tres heureux. Vous allez être partenaire, et je vous assure que vous allez devenir riche.

Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Subject: RE: Omar wants to talk (Was: French Translator (Pay sucks but the work is fun)
From: Gunther
Date: Wed, November 19, 2003 2:14 pm
To: Tog

This is excellent!

Now to make him up a professional looking ticket confirmation and the meeting is set up.

I would love for him to parade around the airport looking for you carrying a sign declaring "I Have Genital Herpes" but that is a bit much even for a lad.

You are helping greatly in the MODALIITES of seting up this with me... thanks.

Ok, just a thought... what would you say in French (and do you think it would be a good idea) for you to email telling you tried to contact him on his cell phone but the call wouldn't go through?

Also, tell the thick lad email is better because it is cheaper.. you have a palm pilot and can get the signal about anywhere in Europe so phones are useless.

However I think you should tell him you made the effort to call not once but twice.

Oh, and off handed tell him you heard Katrina was going to be out of the office the rest of the week her father got sick at the hospital and she had to fly to home to Minneapolis or something and in this way our thick lad wont pester her.

Is he saying it takes four days to travel from his shithole to Lagos?

Subject: RE: Omar wants to talk (Open later)
From: Tog"
Date: Wed, November 19, 2003 3:57 pm
To: Gunther

This lad is really thick.

Need to confirm the lads figures below are correct and that you have been authorized to pay him US$14,995.00 cash upon your arrival in Lagos. All he needs to do is sign a receipt saying he received it from you.

Tell him to prepare to leave so he can meet you at the airport Tuesday morning.

To save space I simply pasted Omar's email into this one.

My dear Katrina,

Bellow is my message I had sent to Mr Genitali.

Moreover, my problem is that, Mr Genitali is talking only the payment of my trip to Lagos without mentioning the whole amount as you have confirmed to me.

Therefore kindly get in touch with him for further clarification.

Thanks for your prompt response,

Awaiting for your urgent response on bellow/above message,


Subject: RE: Omar wants to talk (Open later)
From: Tog
Date: Wed, November 19, 2003 4:02 pm
To: Genitali

Fuck, any dimmer and he wouldn't excite a glow-worm

Mon cher Omar,

On m'a contacté conçernant le paiement que je ferai le mardi.

Non, je peux vous rassurer que j'apporterai tout l'argent en éspèces, soit US14,995.00.

A mardi, alors. J'attends votre présence à l'aeroport.

Subject: Re: Reponse urgent
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Wed, November 19, 2003 6:22 pm
To: Genitali

Cher Monsieur,

J’ai bien reçu votre message, je serais a Lagos le jour que vous avez propose.

Pour la rencontre envoyez moi votre photo voici pour moi.

Signifiez moi votre vol l’heure, la compagnie de votre vol car je serai a Lagos lundi 24.


Subject: Re: Reponse urgent
From: Genitali
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 2:23 am
To: Omar

Mon cher Omar,

On m'a contacté conçernant le paiement que je ferai le mardi.

Non, je peux vous rassurer que j'apporterai tout l'argent en éspèces, soit US14,995.00.

A mardi, alors. J'attends votre présence à l'aeroport.

Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Subject: Re: Reponse urgent
From: Genitali
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 2:37 pm
To: Omar

Cher Omar,

J'ai essayé de vous donner un coup de fil, mais pas de réponse. Tant pis: email est plus fiable quand-même at j'ai un Palm Pilot - alors je peux reçevois des emails presque partout.

Katrina, la pauvre: son père est malade et elle a du voyager à Minneapolis pour être avec lui. Elle sera partie pendant quelques jours. C'est assez grave, je crois.

Subject: Travel arrangmenets
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 2:44 pm
To: Tog

Genitali has his flight arrangements made and ready to fax them to Omar.

As you can see you have a very short layover in Lagos and our boy has to meet you at the airport 11/25/03 at 19:40.

You are going to be there only 2 hours 20 minutes.

I need a letter in french sending him a scan of this ticket (remark on how all tickets are purchased out of Houston, Texas by corporate and they sent you this fax (I will grayscale it when I send it to him so it appears faxy).

Also remark that attached is a scan of your passport so he knows you when you get off the plane.

This guy is spending $310 for a flight from Gabon? Jesus! He is sooooooo screwed!

Remark you are going ot be with family in Palermo over the weekend.. wish him well, get wordy and let's convince the hell out of him. Also, remark you hear Katrina's father was sent to the hospital and she went to Denver, Colorado to help her mother.. has Omar heard anything blah, blah. (Why? Cuz I am tired of talking to the fucker and want his contacts to dry up. I just want him at the Lagos airport holding a sign "Genitali Herpesi"


Being the good guy he is Genitali emails Omar a scan of his passport so he will be able to recognize him when he gets off the plane.

Subject: My trophy!
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 2:53 pm
To: Tog

Ask Omar to fax a copy of his ticket to corporate so you know his travel arrangements

FAX: (425) xxx-xxxx (USA)

This would be a great trophy!

Subject: RE: My trophy!
From: Tog
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 3:26 pm
To: Genitali

Here. Told him we need a copy for our accounts (we're paying him, right? So we need a receipt) as well as the timetable.

Mon cher Omar,

Est-ce que vous pouvez m'envoyer une copie de votre billet, par fax, tout de suite?

Il nous faut une exemplaire pour nos accomptes, et aussi pour l'horaire de votre arrivée.

Subject: Re: Reponse urgent
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 4:32 pm
To: Omar

Mon cher Omar,

Veuillez reçevoir çi-joint une copie de mon billet, issu de Houston (où nous achetons tous nos billets avions).

Veuillez reçevoir aussi une copie de mon passport, pour que vous puissiez le mieux me reconnâitre.

Le père à Katrina est maintenant à l'hôpital, pârait-il, et elle est allée a Denver pour conforter sa mère. Est-ce que vous êtes au courant?

Je serai à Palermo tout ce weekend, avec la famille. Le temps fait très beau là en ce moment, selon ma famille. Mais sûrement il fera plus beau a Lagos le mardi!

Bon, à mardi

Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Subject: Re: Reponse urgent
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 4:34 pm
To: Omar

Mon cher Omar,

Est-ce que vous pouvez m'envoyer une copie de votre billet, par fax, tout de suite?

Il nous faut une exemplaire pour nos accomptes, et aussi pour l'horaire de votre arrivée.

Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Subject: Accusé de réception
From: Omar
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 6:53 pm
To: Genitali

Mon Cher Genitali,

J’accuse bonne réception de votre courrier électronique de ce jour et je vous en remercie.

Seulement le retard accusé pour vous répondre, était du à mon déplacement vers l’intérieur du pays, je viens de rentrer à l’instant même dont pour ce que vous m’avez demander je ferai le tout moyen possible de vous l’envoyer demain.

Par ailleurs en ce qui concerne mon heure arrivée, le départ est prévu pour 11 heures l’arrivée à 12h45mn lundi 24 novembre 2003.

Je suis vraiment touché pour KATRINA de la maladie de son père et je prie Dieu pour que son état de santé aille de mieux en mieux pour le rétablissement de son papa, vous lui transmettrez mes encouragements tout en lui signifiant que je suis tout cœur avec elle pour que son père retrouve sa santé.

Je vous adresse mes salutations


Subject: Very good progress! You owe him a letter and ask him....
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Thu, November 20, 2003 7:05 pm
To: Tog

The guy is a real idiot.

Ask him to scan/fax a copy of the ticket so you can add the cost on his reimbursement unless he wants to wait until next month (the company pays once a month and since he will be gone he'll send the fax).

Mon Cher Genitali,

J’accuse bonne réception de votre courrier électronique de ce jour et je vous en remercie.

Seulement le retard accusé pour vous répondre, était du à mon déplacement vers l’intérieur du pays, je viens de rentrer à l’instant même dont pour ce que vous m’avez demander je ferai le tout moyen possible de vous l’envoyer demain.

Par ailleurs en ce qui concerne mon heure arrivée, le départ est prévu pour 11 heures l’arrivée à 12h45mn lundi 24 novembre 2003.

Je suis vraiment touché pour KATRINA de la maladie de son père et je prie Dieu pour que son état de santé aille de mieux en mieux pour le rétablissement de son papa, vous lui transmettrez mes encouragements tout en lui signifiant que je suis tout cœur avec elle pour que son père retrouve sa santé.

Je vous adresse mes salutations


Subject: Re: Accusé de réception
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Fri, November 21, 2003 12:40 pm
To: Omar

Il est très important que vous fassiez une copie de votre billet (à enyoer par fax ou email). Nous remboursons nos accomptes une fois par mois, et si nous n'avons pas de copie cette mois-çi, vous devrez attendre encore un mois pour le remboursement.

J'attends la copie.....

Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations

Subject: Re:_Accusé_de_réception
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Fri, November 21, 2003 7:30 pm
To: Genitali

Monsieur Genitali,

Je vous confirme l’envoie de la copie du billet aller simple LBV/LAGOS par fax ce jour 21/11/03,

D’avance merci.


Ping! We receive a copy of Omars one way ticket!
So we confirm with Omar that a copy of his ticket had been received at our Houston, Texas corporate offices.

Subject: Re: Re Billet
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Sat, November 22, 2003 4:31 pm
To: Omar

"Bonjour Omar,

Désolé d'avoir mis autant de temps pour confirmer que le fax du ticket a bien été reçu à Houston…

Comme je vous en avais fait part, je passe le weekend auprès de ma famille à Palerme et j’ai du me rendre dans un cybercafé pour relever mes emails, ceux-ci n’ayant pas de connection Internet.

Je n’ai pas de nouvelles récentes de Katrina mais elle est vraiment une fille bien et nous espérons tous que son père se porte mieux. Par ailleurs, je viens de recevoir le certificat d’assurance ACCORD et ne manquerai pas de vous le faxer dès que je rentre à Rome ce soir.

A très bientôt


Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Omar here writes back telling Genitali he received the email and he goes on to ask about Katrina because she has "touched his heart" or some kind of bullshit.

Subject: From Omar
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Sat, November 22, 2003 7:16 pm
To: Genitali

Mon Cher Genitali,

Bonus Vesper,

Je suis content de recevoir votre message.

Je commence à m’inquiéter pourquoi tu retardes à me répondre.

J’aimerais que vous me donniez votre numéro de téléphone à Rome et je puisse t’appeler avant notre rencontre à Lagos.

Je serai très.content que vous puissiez apporter le certificat d’assurance à Lagos.

Et je vous souhaite un très bon voyage à Rome et vous saluez toute la famille.

Moi aussi je n’ai pas de nouvelle de Katrina et ça me touche énormément.

Je vous remercie de votre compréhension,


Subject: Re: From Omar
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Sun, November 23, 2003 1:02 am
To: Omar

Rebonjour Omar,

Vraiment désolé mais comme je vous avais expliqué je me trouvais auprès de ma famille et il m?était très difficile d?avoir accès à Internet.

Pour revenir à votre sélection auprès de la société, permettez-moi encore de vous féliciter de cette unique opportunité. Vous avez fait l?objet d?une longue et rigoureuse sélection de laquelle il apparaît que vous étiez le meilleur candidat pour le poste.

La tache ne sera pas facile, demandera beaucoup de travail et de courage, mais je dois vous avouer que jusqu?à ce jour, je n?ai jamais trouvé une affaire aussi lucrative que celle-ci. Vos efforts seront financièrement hautement récompensés. Cette chance est unique mais je suis convaincu que vous saurez la saisir et être à la hauteur.

Je ne manquerai pas de vous téléphoner dès lundi pour répondre à vos questions éventuelles.

Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Here it is on Sunday and Omar has only 18 more hours to catch the flight so we decide to butter him up/make him feel good. At this time all games are off because we do not want to blow this... anything just get Omar on that damn plane!

Here is a rough translation of the friendly message sent above.

Dear Omar,

Really sorry but as I had explained you I were near my family and it was very difficult to have access to Internet.

To return to your selection near the company, still allow me to congratulate you on this single opportunity. You made object long and rigorous selection of which it appears that you were the best candidate for the station.

The spot will not be easy, will ask much work and courage, but I must acknowledge you that to date, I Never found a business as lucrative as this one. Your efforts will be financially highly rewarded. This chance once in a lifetime but I am convinced that you will be able to seize it and to be with the height.

I will not fail to telephone to you as of Monday to answer your possible questions.

Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

Subject: Re: From Omar
From: "Genitali Herpesi"
Date: Sun, November 23, 2003 1:18 pm
To: Omar

Rebonjour Omar,

Ce petit message car il me semble avoir oublié de vous communiquer mon numéro de téléphone dans mon email précédent, alors le voici : 0039.3356379245 N?hésitez pas à me contacter à votre meilleure convenance, cependant si vous désirez me contacter encore aujourd?hui dimanche, faites le si possible après 9h00, en espérant que cela ne soit pas trop tard pour vous. Je ne serai vraiment pas joignable avant.

Pourriez-vous aussi me communiquer les coordonnées de votre hôtel à Lagos.

Au risque de me répéter, je suis vraiment fier de pouvoir compter sur votre personne, sur vos compétences et vos qualités qui ne font aucun doute. Il est dans la mentalité de l?entreprise d?apprécier les gens de valeur et de leur donner la chance qu?ils méritent. Cette chance, mon cher Omar, nous vous la donnerons comme il se doit.

Comment va votre épouse ? La mienne se porte très bien, depuis que je lui ai parlé de vous, celle-ci n?arrête pas de me poser des questions sur vous et votre famille et s?est mise en tête qu?il fallait impérativement que l?on se voie en Janvier en Afrique du Sud pour une semaine. Moi et mon épouse n?avons que très peu de temps pour nous-mêmes et ce serait une très agréable opportunité de se rencontrer et de passer un bon moment ensemble. Faites-moi savoir ce que vous en pensez de sorte que je puisse me libérer en conséquence.

Je suis en tous cas très impatient de vous rejoindre à Lagos et vous souhaite un bon voyage.


Genitali Herpesi
Director-European Sales Operations
Australian-American Oilator, Ltd.

We'll kiss his ass do anything just as long as he gets on that damn plane!

Below is the machine translation of the email above.

Dear Omar,

This small message because it seems me to have forgotten to communicate to you my telephone number in my preceding email, then here: 0039.33563xxxxx (this number is the number of a Rome museum that is closed on Sunday and Monday so if he calls he'll simply get a message in Italian the museum is closed. At worse it is home Omar will simply believe he copied the wrong number) do not hesitate to contact me with your best suitability, however if you wish to still contact me aujourd?today Sunday, make if possible after 9h00, by hoping that that is not too late for you. I will really not be front joignable.

Could you to also communicate me the co-ordinates of your hotel in Lagos.

With the risk to repeat me, I am really proud to be able to count on your person, on your competences and your qualities which are not any doubt. It is in the mentality of company to appreciate people of value and to give them chance qu?they deserve. This chance, my dear Omar, we will give it to you as it should be.

How is your wife? Mine goes very well, since I spoke to him about you, this one N?does not stop asking me questions about you and your family and S?is put at the head qu?it was necessary imperatively that L?one sees oneself in January in South Africa for one week. Me and my wife N?let us have that very little time for ourselves and it would be a very pleasant advisability of meeting and to spend a good moment together. Let know to me what you think so that I can release myself consequently.

I am in all very impatient cases to join you in Lagos and a happy voyage wishes you.


So we get this back on Sunday just written less then 24 hours before his departure. Just get on the plane Omar. The plane! The plane! Just get on the damn plane!

Subject: From Omar
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Sun, November 23, 2003 2:37 pm
To: Genitali

Bonjour, Monsieur Genitali,

Merci pour les mots aimables que vous avez eus a mon endroit et j’espère que je ne vous décevrai pas. J’ai lu votre message un peu tard du fait qu’aujourd’hui dimanche, je me suis connecte un peu tard. Je vous appellerai donc aux environs de 18 heure GMT.

Concernant les coordonnes de mon hôtel a Lagos, je ne pourrai vous les communiquer qu’une fois que je serai sur place, car les réservation sont difficiles sur Lagos.

Mon épouse aussi se porte bien et est très heureuse et impatiente de pouvoir un jour vous son absence me pèse beaucoup. Son père va-t-il mieux?

Au plaisir de nous rencontre.


Here is the machine translation and the father he refers to is Katrina's father who is in the hospital.

Hello, Mr Genitali,

Thank you for the pleasant words that you had has my place and I hope that I will not disappoint you. I read your message a little late owing to the fact that today Sunday, I am connect a little late. I will thus call you around 6 p.m. GMT.

Concerning coordinate my hotel has Lagos, I will be able to communicate them to you only one time that I will be on the spot, because the reservation are difficult on Lagos.

My wife also goes well and is very happy and impatient of being able one day you his absence weighs me much. Is her father better?

With the pleasure of us meets.

As I write this it is 11:24 PM Monday night in Lagos (1:24 AM Tuesday morning here in South Africa) and I am greatly worried about Omar in that I have yet to hear from him. He's been on the ground there for nearly 11 hours now and why couldn't he get into an internet cafe to let us all know he made it safely?

I did hear that it is a holiday in Nigeria right now with the end of Ramadan many businesses are closed down and I would have to guess so are many of the internet cafes.

Rest assured that as soon as I hear something I'll update the site but, in the meantime, let's all hope Omar got to Lagos so we can screw with him some more.

Update: Omar Arrives in Lagos!

Subject: Je suis mentenent a lagos
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Tue, November 25, 2003 12:15 pm
To: Genitali

Bonjure Mom Cher Genitali,

Merci pour votre e-mail.

Ceci pour informer vous main tenant que je suis déjà à Lagos et vous me contactera par ce numerous mais je serai dans l'aéroport et vous attendrai.

Attente pour votre appel pressant.

0 88 xxx




Here is the machine translated text.

Bonjure Mom Dear Genitali,

Thank you for your e-mail.

This to inform to you hand holding that I am already in Lagos and you will contact me by this numerous but I will be in the airport and will await you.

Make an attempt for your pressing call.

0 88 xxx

Omar writes to Katrina at corporate. He's found an hotel one hour away? Good, now the real fun begins and we teach the fat bastard a lesson about spamming!

Subject: Re: I hope all is well with you and write soon.
From: Omar Ntoum
Date: Tue, November 25, 2003 12:43 pm
To: Katrina

Priority: Normal

My dear Katrina,

Very happy hearing from you again.

I was completely touched when Mr Genitali told me that our father, precisely your father was sick. That God that he is really back in health.

I am now in Lagos and having gotting a telephone number that Mr Genitali should call as soon as he arrived in Lagos. I have booked A hotel in Cotonu which is 1 hour drive fro m Lagos.

Since I have no time , I will get in touch with you full after my meeting with Genitali.



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